Thursday 9 April 2015

teach me

Teach me, and I will learn
Guide me, and I will follow
Love me, and I will love you
Care for me, and I will care for you

For I am you
And you are me
We are one
Connected by love

So teach me, and I will learn
How to love you
How to cherish you
For you are me

I said guide me, and I will follow
And where we go
Shall be home
For we shall be one

So love me, and I will love you
Because I love me
And you love yourself
So it makes sense that we also love each other

Also care for me, and I will care for you
Pick you up when your down
Raise you high when your low
For you will do the same for me

Teach me, and I will learn
Guide me, and I will follow
But whatever you do
Always do it with love

#Peace 24/03/15

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