Thursday 9 April 2015

a better earth(for our kids)

I dream a dream
That no man has dreamt
Unless he has dreamt of a better earth

Lets think about the children, no one ever said
Corrupt and selfish
Driven by power and greed
But are we going to make it there
I sit back and wonder

With mine eyes dry
As the children played around
Clueless to the pitfalls of the world around
Some say "when will they ever learn,
That life is not a game"

Even though on the contrary it is
We can't go around popping bubbles
And say it for the sake of the kids
And expect them to better live
When we have cut their wings

Lets let them dream
In hopes they will build a better tomorrow
A brighter day for their own kids
An opportunity to live the life they choose
I say better the man who raises the youth than he who cripples them

I dream a dream
That no man has dreamt
Unless he has dreamt of a better earth for our kids

#Peace 29/03/15
A better earth(for our kids)

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