Monday 9 February 2015

Undying love

My undying love
Which never fades away
Like her candle at the windowsill
Which proves she still awaits me
Grows stronger the more I miss you

Even though I don't know you
Nor have I seen your face
If only I had the chance
To smell your radiance around me
Than I would know my search is done.

My undying love
Bleeds for your touch
Cries for you whispers
And grows lonesome
The more I am, with you

Search this world I will if I must
Just to have you by my side
Because I feel so bare
Your love without
But always clothed when you are around.

My undying love
Has seen me leave everything behind
For the hope that real love is out there
Just waiting for me to discover it
And cherish it like a lost treasure

For none I have ever found
That made my soul feel at peace
And my heart feel at home
No love have I found like it
And I will die searching for a love like it


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