Thursday 9 April 2015

back in the saddle again

I fell of the band wagon
But um back in the saddle again
If I was still a child
I would be back in the cradle again

Its beautiful that I have seen the light
But my life is not shaped by it
For its something that I had to deal with
Not live with

For its not my life
Just an option
And I choose not to live there
For no one achieved their dreams dwelling in the past.

I fell of the band wagon
But I got my ass on that saddle again
One hand on the whip
The other is on the reigns

For I control my life
Direct it to where I want it to go
But it has been dragging me around
As if I was the head of the headless horseman

I am no child
But I feel like I am in the cradle again
Reborn in the name of the truth
Baptised in the river of light

My soul has been reborn again
My head has been put back on again
And for the first time mine eyes see
Though they were never blind.

I am back on the saddle again
I am back on my band wagon
And the band is playing
"Praise be to thee, for thine time has cometh"

#Peace 23/03/15

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