Tuesday 3 February 2015

my books

I don't think about the past
I don't concentrate on the future
I make it a point to live my life today

No more shall I look backwards
No more shall I look forwards
When life is here today

Every breath that I take
Every step that I take
I will be living it

This is my life
And I make it a point to live it
The best way that I can

You might not like it
You might not agree with it
You might not accept it

But who are you to judge
Who are you to deny me the chance
Only because it doesn't conform by your way

Well this one is mine
I am carving it from scratch
And paving it with stone

Maybe along the way you may see
But for now all you see
Is your prejudiced opinion

That is not mine
That is not who I be
And that is not what I do

So starting from today
Starting from now on
I will always be first only in my books


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