Tuesday 7 April 2015

i have lied

Um sorry
But I have lied

Not to my family
And not to my friends

But to myself
And that is the biggest lie

I said I will change
But where is there difference

I am still the same
Though some grief I have shed along the way

So now I feel sad
For I have come full circle

Standing where I begun
A decade later

But this time I have seen the light
And know the road is still to get tough

So I sit Here and cry
For the second I stop weeping

I shall stand and I shall never look back
For I know I am promised greatness

I have known it all my life
And that is a dream they can't kill

So I will fight
Until there is no fight in me

For I know that by feeling sorry
And knowing that I have lied

Means I hold the truth in my hands
And finally not afraid to use it

And use it I shall
Until my life is alright.

I am sorry
But I have lied

Not to my family
Not to my friends

But I have told the biggest lie
Which is to thyself

And starting from today I live the truth
For I have no room for lies

When my life is not a dream
Only nightmares of what I let it be

And that is something I have the power to change
Change I damn sure am

No matter how hard it becomes
I will make it there

#Peace. 06/04/15

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