Thursday 12 February 2015

my guardian angel

She said smile
And I smiled

She said laugh
And I laughed.

Her wish is my command
She needs not ask
For I will gladly oblige

She is me
And I am her
But we are not us

For we are not lovers
Nor are we friends
We are merely one.

I love her like no other
She loves me like no other
We love each other like no other
We have never felt a love like this

This love is exciting
It is igniting
It is so ambient
Radiating from inside

I smile without fail
She smiles without fail
We smile without fail
Even though we are miles apart

I am her enchanting lover
She is my spiritual healer

My guide when I am lost
Just like I am her man when she needs.

She smiles, I smile
She laughs, I laugh

For I am her knight in shining armour
And she is my guardian angel.


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