Tuesday 3 February 2015

the light(living under peoples shadows)

How long will I
Be living under peoples shadows
When mine follows me around

Everywhere I go
Everyplace I have been to
My shadow is always right behind me

Guess I have to follow it
Follow its example
And do things for me

No longer shall it be you
No longer shall it be us
For it is now time for me

This soul here
Has been lost for so long

Now it is finding itself
I am finding my way
I am finally doing things for me

And it is great
The feeling is awesome
I feel exhilarated, I feel rejuvenated

I feel so free
I feel at peace
This is me

This is who I was destined to be
I can hear the success calling me
Telling me I have made it

This is the final step
Even if I fall
I can crawl the rest of the way

For I see the light
Like a beacon of hope in front of me
Showing me I can make it there

That place that I wish to be
Is no longer so far away from me

So how long will I be living under peoples shadows
When they are blocking me from seeing the light
That is now in front of me


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