Tuesday 7 April 2015

these bonds

I can feel them grow weaker
Day by day
These bonds grow weaker

I feel them
For I chew at their chains
Gnawing at them day after day

For I know I will be free
Free from these chains shackling me
Keeping me away from my dreams.

I can feel them grow weaker
Day after day these chains grow weaker
As I feed myself the strength to grow stronger

I know I will make it there
For these chains are not real
Just shackles inprisoning my mind

And I am freeing it
Freeing it from this prison in my mind
For my heart yearns to be free.

Frolicking and playing
Like a child at his peak
For that is who I be

That is who I will be
And that is who I will become
As I set myself free

So I feel them grow weak
For I exercise my weaknesses
Just as I grow my strengths

#Peace. 06/04/15

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