Tuesday 7 April 2015

a lonely begger

He croaks
With words barely audible
That they sounded like a mourn

"Dear passer by
Could you spare me a dollar
Or atleast crumbs to eat"

He begges
Barely ever showers
Like he knew not hygiene

But that's his life
He might not be proud of it
But he ain't ashamed to do it either

Because it was written as the law by man
Now mere man fail to pick each other up, but why
Why are we so inhumane

That man go about day by day
Hungry, starving for they got nothing to eat
While a block away a man throws away plenty

Where has the love gone
Where is the compassion humanity
Are you so inhumane that you will deny one another

Are your so heartless that you ignore the warnings
Turn your backs on the truth
But you can't be that blind from reality

You cannot be so blinded that you cannot see
The truth that lays right in front of you
That we are no longer one

Segregated by mindless philosophies
Divided by our own believes
When I we going to see this lie for what it is

When are we going go notice thier dividing us
So that easily they could conqure us
And keep us trapped in their web of lies.

I croaked
Sound so barely audible
You might mistake it for a whisper

"As a people we are lost
As a people we need to find ourselves
As we disconnect ourselves from this matrix"

But are we ever going to succeed
When the entire human race
Can pass a lonely begger by

#Peace 06/04/15
A lonely begger

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