Friday 13 February 2015

The way home

Not all angels fall from the sky
Not all demons creep from beneath
Some of them walk amongst us
Out here in this desolate barren land

With wings long broken
And horns out growing
They live with us
Walking amongst mere man

You might see it not
But the image is so real
They live, sleep and breath with us
Doing their job tirelessly and without fail

They are angels that walk among man
Long forgotten from the place they call home
There are demons that share with us from the same plate
Secretly doing their own bidding

We see it not buy they are around us
Why they are here I will never tell
Why I may not speak is for you should know
That they are of our own creation

Locked in our minds, sometimes we hear
Other times we listen to them speak
Most of the time we are in conversation
But these spirits in our minds, know the way home


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