Wednesday 4 February 2015

A lie(travelling in the wrong direction)

What if this one direction
That we are travelling on
Is actually the wrong direction
That we should be travelling on

What if this light at the end of the tunnel
Is not the destination of our journey
But rather its ultimate demise
Who are we than to travel along its path

We know not what we preach
But still we preach with utter dexterity
Believe in it ourselves
That it is the ultimate truth.

What if this one direction
That we are hopelessly traveling on
Has long been prophesied before us
As the distraction of mankind

For we walk aimlessly trying to defend ourselves
And the actions that we do
But never taking the time to look back
And view the impact that it has

We are but organisms on this plane
But yet we feel as if we are Gods
While we still bow down and pray to a God
Than who are we to know what we don't

For we are born and raised
We are taught than praised
We learn through bruises and scrapes
So who ever decided the path is correct

A lot we know not
But plenty we feel we know
I would never lie when its not me
For I feel we are lost in our own translations

When are we going to find the path
When are going to see the truth for what it is
How long are going to live this life
Even when wefeel its all a lie


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