Friday 7 July 2017

i'm just nothing
but a message
a message
in a bottle
to hear me speak
you must seek the contents inside
for inherent in me
are words written on stone
that shall never wash away
no matter the storm.
said i'm just nothing
but a message
a message
contained in a vessel
what you see
is just my body
for what you seek
lays deep inside of me
#Peace. 02/07/17 by erL

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Ether into Matter (Immortalised)

Pen abuse
And page abuse

Their abuse
Is my use

To get it out
(My word)

Out to the world
For all to see.

Pen abuse
And this page abuse

Their abuse
At the wrath of my hand

Is how I use
My sword and shield

More metaphorical
In a metaphysical sense,

But this pen abuse
And this page abuse

Their abuse
My use

From the wrath my hand
As it bleeds these thoughts out

From my brain
Straight into matter,

So this pen abuse
And this page abuse

To you
Might not matter

But to me
It’s not why they should matter

But rather that
They have immortalised ether, into a form of matter

#Peace. 19/06/17 by erL

No automatic alt text available.

Thursday 15 June 2017

Oh Afrika (my motherland)

Oh Afrika
My mother land

For you I’d die
Gladly bleed until my last drop

If that’s what you need
For you to heal yourself

Stab myself in the heart
Shoot myself in the head

For my mother to live
And continue feeding her children,

Oh Afrika
My pride and joy

From the plains of the Serengeti
To the banks of the river Nile

Gladly I would fight
Until my last breath

For you have birthed men
And nurtured him till he became a tyrant

Stealing from your land
Enriching their own pockets with their greed

But today I fight for you
With nothing but sticks and stones

I will fight for you
Until my death becomes the symbol of your struggles,

Oh Afrika
My motherland

My pride and joy
And the birther of men

How long will they fight for you
When you never took from them

What they steal from you
That they never owned,

Oh Afrika
My mother land

#Peace. 15/06/17 by erL

Monday 5 June 2017

Want to feel

Feel me
Feel you
Fill the world
With nothing but
Pride and lust, glutuney and greed
Feel you
Feel me
Fill the world
With nothing but
Love and joy, care and happiness
Feeling you
Feeling me
if we could all fill the world
with nothing but, how we feel
now you tell me, which one would you want to feel?
#Peace. 01/06/17 by erL

Tuesday 23 May 2017


You either have too much of it
Or running out of it

You’re either running out of it
Or catching too much of it

You’re either afraid to live it
Or living it to the fullest

You either got it by the horns
Or letting it slip right out of your hands

You’re either on top of it
Or down on your luck out of it

Because living
Everyone is allowed to do
But rarely do some go out and live

#Peace 23/05/17

Life by erL

Friday 19 May 2017

Parents of Men

Why is Nature our Mother?
And Time our Father

Are we their children?
Or could our planet be?

For Mother Nature
Feeds on her children

The more
She feeds them,

And could Father time
Know more than he says

Or let’s up
For His spawns to see.

Why is Nature
Our Mother

And Time
Our Father

Where they rightfully ill named
Or could that be so

Could there be
More than we know

For who gave them their titles
Who blessed their union?

And watched over their children
As they birthed them all,

I guess what I am trying to say
Is who is responsible for all of this?

Who could they be?
And who gave them this power

To rightfully such titles
On such descening entities

Who rightfully bore their all?
 For the children they now had.

Who named Nature our Mother?
And Time our Father

For there is yet I am still to ask them
Like what did they see

When they chose these entities
To be the parents of men

#Peace. 11/05/17 by erL

Image may contain: one or more people

Monday 15 May 2017

What it means, to be human

Dear black son
The world awaits your next move

Will it be a call to unite?
Or will you continue subjecting yourselves

To these horrible ill vibes
That got you now trapped in a matrix

That you never created
In the first place.

Dear black son
What will it take you?

To make you realize
That the world awaits you

At your very hand and call
To know what comes next

In our journey back home
For they followed your words fully

And await on the time
That you shall now be one

For they shall all listen
To what you have to say

As your word
Carries the essence they need

To know what it means to unite
And to live as one.

Dear black son
My journey continued not through me

My world awaits your call
For you are the ones that taught them, what it means to be human

#Peace. 15/05/15

What it means (to be human) by erL

Image may contain: 1 person

Monday 8 May 2017

My real Strength (to truly know)

And as the dust settled
I looked up to the sky

With no tears in my eyes no more
I could finally see my true form again

The light that came from inside of me
The image that I was once again to become

The more I became myself
My true self.

As it settled again
Just like it had once risen

My true form emerging
From the storm I had once become

I could finally see the light
Like the sun beaming from behind the clouds

I was finally free
Free to call myself one

One with myself
One with my soul

One with the all
That unites us all,

So as I stood the
Watching the dust settle

In front of my eyes
The beauty that now arose

Captivating my eyes
And mesmerizing my soul

I was finally able to let go
Where I had once held on for so long

With all my might
And strength I could master

No longer had I a reason
To act bold

When weak I was to become
In order, to truly know my real strength

#Peace. 04/05/17 by erL

Sunday 7 May 2017

Who are you?

Who are you?
To tell me who I am

When you are not the one
Walking this journey for me

So who are you?
To dictate my life

When no one
Dictates the terms for yours

The mistakes you made
And the lessons

That grew you
To the person that you are today

So who are you?
To tell me who I am

To condemn me
For my own mistakes

When they are the lessons
That are, turning me

Into the man I am
And the success I have become

So who are you?
To judge me

When it is my life to live
That you want to dictate

How I should live it
When no one dictates to you on yours

#Peace. 03/05/17 by erL

Image may contain: one or more people, eyeglasses and closeup

Wednesday 3 May 2017

The choice for me

I am better
No matter how hard i try

I can cry
Weeping till my tears fill the ocean

But i will always be better
As long as i decided to be,

I can fall
I can stumble

Till i do a full barrel

But i will still be better
Then when i began

For after the fall
Comes the choice to rejoice

As i will once again
Surely pick myself up again.

So i am better
Not because it is a choice

But rather because
I made it in the first place

And if i didn't
who would i expect, to make the choice for me?

#Peace. 02/05/17 by erL

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Set Myself free

It’s the ones not said
That weigh the heaviest

They cast spells upon men

That’s why it’s called spelling
It’s because of the spell

They leave us in
The more we cast them out

Unto the world
The power they possess.

Men have bit their tongues
Whilst others have choked on them

And so today
I cast my own

Letting their thoughts
Set sail unto the face of the earth

Never can I get them back now
Nor can I uncast their spell

A new spell without
That’s why, I cast them anew

With the hope that
Their new conviction

Will be the eviction of the old
And set the very latest in stone

For forever, I was destined to fight
If the fight was to free myself

But what freedom was I to achieve
When my own words

Where the ones
Casting spells over my present self?

It’s the ones not expressed
That weigh the heaviest

Their emotions
The true depths of me

The true depths
Of my heart

And so today
I free myself from them

As I cast new spells above myself

With an open heart

For that is the only way
I can ultimately set myself free

#Peace. 02/05/17 by erL

Friday 21 April 2017

Letting me go

from the shadow of the sun
to the dark-side of the moon

i'd sing my whole world for you
and swim to the bottom of the Abyss for you
just to have you in my arms again.

i said, from the shadow of the sun
to the darkest crater on the moon

i would rip my heart out for you
just to get one more chance
to feel you in my arms again.

i've cried for you
until there were no more tears to shed

i cried for you
Till my eyes ran dry
For i had nothing more left,

just a scent
and a memory of your lips

oh how i wish
i could get another chance
in order to kiss them again,

i would gladly lay you in my arms
and never let you go

because from standing in the shadow of the sun
and hiding my emotions like the dark-side of the moon
i have nothing more to say to you

that i wished i could have said to you
back when i had the chance

and so today
i weep no more
knowing that letting me go, shattered you too

#Peace. 19/04/17

Wednesday 22 March 2017

All one

And we rode
On the backs of dragons

Until the rising
Of the morning sun

And the memories of them
Withered away, with the rising sun

Never to be seen again
Until we are all one

#Peace. 15/03/17 by erL

Thursday 9 March 2017

To be right here

Cool, calm and collect

I have taken time to recollect

To look at my own life

In a new kind of way

And it has paved a path

Of enlightenment and delight

For no fear knocks at my door

Memories haunt me no more

For I have seen my wrongs

And made peace with my demons

In order for me, to be right here.

#Peace. 02/06/16 by erL™

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Wear that smile

With beauty as radiant as the morning sun
And a smile captivating like an evening sunset

Your eye flatters
Flatten my soul

I am putty in your hands
When loving you bring me

Overjoyed am I
For the living that you bring

Captivated a King
And turned him into a beggar

Begging for your love
For lost he felt without it

And so today I extend this hand
In apology of my wild ways

For I acted like a mad man
Only because I was mad

Madly in love I was
Driven crazy by you

For you
Are the one I dreamt of

And so I take of my crown for you
In the hopes that you may see

The sincerity of my words
For you looked not to my actions.

It is with great love
That I write these words

Not in the hopes of wining you back
But to apologize for ever hurting you

Never was it my intention
Never did I intend to make you cry

When all I wanted to do
Was be the reason that on wear that smile

#Peace. 20/01/17 by erL™

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Whole again

This pain that I am feeling

Is why I am not around

Its because I am healing

All the sorrow

And the heartbreaks,

All the resentments

And regrets.

Curled up into a little ball

Nestled into my own cocoon

I await my metamorphosis

With bated breath

For I know

That once all my wounds are healed

I shall be whole again

#Peace. 03/06/16 by erL™

Monday 27 February 2017

Begin with

You've magic in your heart
And it spill down to your hands
Every time that you write

You scribble down my soul
Etching with it my dreams
With the hopes that I may heal.

You've got magic in your heart
And it spills down to your hands
Every time that you scribble

You capture my pain
Painting my sorrow
The more that you are.

Please write some more
That magic in your heart
And let my soul free

Free, from the bondage of the past
Free, from the heart aches in my soul
Free, as I could ever dream of

For you hold the power within your hands
To not just free a caged bird
But to teach it, how to fly again.

You've got magic in your heart
And hold its power within your hands
Meticulasly writing my present moment

The more your ink spills
It spills in my name
Carving a path to my future.

Please write some more
The memoirs of a dreamer
Who never had the chance to awaken

Until you held the pen
And wrote me a song
That finally woke me up

From the slumber that I was taking
Without ever realising that
I was asleep to begin with

#Peace. 26/02/17 by erL™

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Loose them (to someone else)

And just like that
It dawned on me

That not everyone
Will have your best interest at heart

No matter how many roses you send
Or boxes of chocolates you buy

No matter the cost
Of the diamond rings

The clothes you may buy
Or the car you may acquire

But just like that
You can loose them, to someone else

#Peace. 09/02/17 by erL™

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Come fly away with me

Come fly away with me
To distant lands

Come journey with me
To a place
Where loving never ends

Let's ignite our passion
And let our sparks run wild

As we dance the night away
Until the morning sun
Then let's dance some more

For we are in paradise
A utopia of love

That place
That we all dreamed of
But never had the courage to visit.

Take my hand
Fly away with me

On the backs of eagle's
Or the wings of a sparrow

 It what ever you do
Never let go of me
For, you might never make it back with me

#Peace. 18/02/17 by erL™

Monday 20 February 2017

Consider yourself Free

When the outside
Is colder then the inside

Then you shall know peace
You're shall know love

As you feel its warmth
Causing through your body

You shall know light
As you walk through the darkness

For it shall be
Lighting the path all around you.

When the outside
Is colder then the inside

You shall know love
For what you feel is more

Your road shall be tough
But the rewards plentiful

As you shall finally know
What it means, to consider yourself free

#Peace. 21/12/16 by erL™

Saturday 18 February 2017

All in due time

I mean you there
Holding the pen

I see you
I see what you do
Where you go
And what you wish to accomplish

And I have this to say
We made it man
Regardless of what you think
Just think back to a year ago

Do you see it now
How far you have come
What accomplishments you have made
Just think about it for a minute

You have just one chance to change
And until thus far
You are trailing my man
But making headway in your own right

You are marvelous
Stupendous even
Undescribable if I do say

And you are almost there Les
You are so close
Just hang in there a little longer
Whatever you do don't lose hope

Don't think about the time you've lost
Think about the time you have
By utilising it properly
You will affect the world

You might not heal a lot of wounds
But you can damn sure put a bandage on
By affecting those you can
You will affect lives

Just as long as you hold on
Stay headstrong
Be unrelenting in your praose
Because it is your birthright

No great story needs to be foretold
Before we carve our destiny
Thought the choices we make

So dear young Les
Present me
Today's being
One day you shall get it

You shall understand
Why I chose this day
To speak with you
From the great beyond

So much you yearn for
But so much you are yet go accomplish
Even greater then you are dreaming of
Or are allowing yourself to dream of

Be bold
Be courageous
Be wise
But what ever you do

Never forget to be free
To be open
To be loving
And caring

Never allow your thoughts
To belittle your ambitions
What the naysayers say
Is a reflection of their own disbelief
In themselves

Well I have faith in you
I have faith in myself
I am more then I am right now
I am all that at this moment

And with that having been said
I will leave you
With a word of wisdom
But never something to be taken likely

For whenever you find yourself in doubt
Whenever you find yourself in disbelief
Whenever the road gets tough
Just sit down in your own silence

For you are all that you need
You always have been
You always will be
And the more you believe in yourself

The more you open the doors
That will ultimately see you
Not only achieving your dreams
But also becoming the beacon of hope
The world dreams of

So just relax
Breath easy
All will be well
In due time

#Peace. 01/06/15 by erL™

Friday 17 February 2017

The Sudanese Sundance Kid

The Sudanese Sundance kid
Standing next to
That native American raindance child

I see them all
Child of the shaman
My gift is in their hands

From Nubian God's
Past Sumerian Kings
Down to the Kemetic Pharos

This world is people
It's people united
Though nations divided

Conquered we are
For our enemies have us united
In arms against each other.

The Sudanese Sundance kid
With skin as rich as dark chocolate
And lips as juicy as my cows udder

That native American raindance child
Born from inside a torn teppe
But still, it kept the wind out

Winds of change
That came to take my pride away
Winds of change

As my forefathers danced the night away
Can they see me standing here
Marveling at their dances, from with their fire

I stretch my hand to touch
Their amber bodies flickering
And illuminating the darkness of night

With wolves howling
At the call of the moon
Signaling the birth of new saviours

The raindance child
Shall dance our sorrow away
And bring much delight to the land

Lions growling and roaring
Trumpeting the birth of a child
Who shall make the sun dance

They shall unite
Fire and water
And make us one.

The Sudanese Sundance child
The native American raindance child
The Kalahari Sandstomping child

The Amazon treeclimbing child
The great Outbacks rider
Or the arctic snowdance child

It matters not to me
Where you are born
For what matters most is

You were born
To do a certain job
That no one can do without you

#Peace. 17/02/17 by erL ™

Thursday 16 February 2017

Never erase

I said I love you
You said you love me back
Who knew that love ends

Sitting here broken hearted
Thinking of the memory of you
And the sweet taste of your lips

I rock myself to sleep
For the memory of you
Is an image I can never erase

#Peace. 09/02/17 by erL™

Tuesday 14 February 2017

The sky is red (painted by you)

The sky is red
And I am blue

Look deep into my eyes
And see the color of you

The color of love lost
But no freedom found.

The sky is red
And I am blue

Like the color of the ocean
Today it represents you

For when I look up
I see not blue.

I see but velvety hues
Like blood gushing from a wound

But where has the blue gone
Well my dear, it was stolen by you

I wear it today
All because of you.

The sky is red
Painted by you

By your affections
The day you said it could not be you

And you cannot deny it yes
But that color, was painted by you

#Peace. 09/02/17 by erL™

Thursday 9 February 2017

Master Myself

A man apart
A man at heart
Divided by self
For that is the ego

A man apart
A man
Wishing to be one
To be whole

In a dualistic world
Where polarities
Rule the day
That man live upon

But I am going to be whole again
To be one with myself
For the more I master the thought
The more, I master myself

#Peace. 30/01/17 by erL™

Wednesday 8 February 2017


Why do we hurt the ones we love the most
And love the ones who hurt us the most

Its one of life's conundrums
To go about kicking ourselves in the head

But why do we hurt those we love
And love those who hurt us the most

How are we ever going to progress
With such a backward mindset

Inflicting pain on our loved ones
While bending over backwards for demons

Heartless soulless beings
Who do no do good for us.

I ask myself at times
Why I live this way

I take the time to be
So that I can separate

Those who love me
For who I be

From the serpents
That are only there for their benefit

#Peace. 02/01/17by erL™

Guide each other home

Destined for greatness
This path that I walk
I always knew that
It will take me there

To my days of peace
My days of harmony
And tranquility in my soul
For Today I feel free

Free enough to let go
Of the fear of tomorrow
Or the pain of yesterday
As I live my life today.

Destined for greatness
These scars that I carry
Are no more reminders of triumph
Then they could ever be of failure

For I fought with myself
Not just so that I could be here
But so that I could be here
With a pep in step,

For life might have kicked me down
But I chose to get up
The more it tried to defeat me
It gave me the courage to rise up again.

Destined for greatness
And this time
I am not afraid
For I see the future

Glaring in front of my eyes
Success I will make it there
To the days of peace
And harmony in my soul

For I chose to keep walking
The tougher the road became
The lonelier I became
But still I held on

For the loving that was inside
Could never allow me to give in
To ever loose hope
When I knew, I will make it there.

Truly I was destined for greatness
That in my lowest days
I was still above many
Though I felt below some

And now today
I look down on no one
I look up to no one
For everyone that I need

Walks besides me
In this journey of life
For we all now know
That we are helping
Guide each other home

#Peace. 15/11/16 by erL™

Tuesday 7 February 2017

(As black as) The Soles of my shoes

Bury me a G
In a black pair of Jay's

To that I am a black man
Who lived his whole life in jail

With no place to go
Except for the concrete slab

Where I lost my brothers
Will they ever come too

Mommy look at my brothers
I wonder of they will ever come too

Bury me a G
In a fresh pair of Jay's

Clean as the life that I dreamed of
Cleaner then my dirty ol' pair of chucks

Clean as my soul
Pure and bright as light

It's shine
Outglowing even the sun

For for on that day
I will finally be free

Bury me a G
In a fresh pair of Jay's

Make them black
Like the color of my skin

It's not the color of my soul

Bury me not a man
With a white pair of shoes

For the only thing that was white about me
Might be the paper my eulogy is written on

For the ups and downs of my life
Taught me to trust the darkness

To love its solitude
For it gave me the chance

To finally be free
To be me

So bury me a G
In a black pair of Jay's

A black Afrikan suit
With my hair nappy as ever

And my tombstone should read
"Here lays a man

Whose heart
Was as black, as the soles of his shoes"

#Peace. 28/01/17 by erL™

Saturday 4 February 2017

Still Dry

Raindrops on my shirt
Dirt on my shoes

Though I feel nothing but warmth on me
I feel, nothing but freedom

Walking through the raindrops
Finally alive

Like nature intended it to be
At one with my surroundings.

Raindrops on my shirt
Dirt in my shoes

But inside this meat suit I am driving
I am, still dry

#Peace. 25/01/17 by erL™

Thursday 2 February 2017

A way back home

Blinded by rage
Fueled by anger
How will I
Ever progress
When I am
Still at war
With myself
My thoughts
Denying me the opportunity
To be at one with myself
And so this fight
I wage it on
More and more
Until it can't take it anymore
And do something about it
But how
Will I ever know
That I am at the tipping scale
And probably
No longer have
A way back home

#Peace. 12/12/16 by erL™

Wednesday 1 February 2017

That very knowledge (you give)

My mentors were assassinated
And my teachers labelled terrorists

What does that make me
What then does it mean

To have men hurtle ideologies on us
While we never set any for them

Tell me when in the modern generation
Has the words of a black man, affected a white

There's no heroism in the act
For those of color still do not see

How they are being led astray
The more they don't listen to thine brother

I taught you that the world is being shaped wrong
And you told me it's because I don't want to fit in

But when a white man screams kill the Muslim
You stand beside him even without a reason

I sat and asked myself
Who truly is my enemy

I discovered that, there is no external enemy
As long as I don't have any within

And so I re-looked at Gaza, Palestine
And found children dying without a reason

I looked towards Aleppo, Syria
And still I saw children dying without a reason

While under the carpet
Man are making profits of the ammunition sold

But what can I do
When I can't even save myself,

Maybe if I did
The world might seem different to me

And maybe I will feel
Courageous enough to fight

And maybe if I fail
I might inspire someone to continue the fight

But as long as there is something worth teaching
There will always be

Someone in need
Of that very knowledge you give.

#Peace. 20/12/16
by erL™

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Earn bitcoin">Earn free bitcoin</a>

Guide each other home

Destined for greatness
This path that I walk
I always knew that
It will take me there

To my days of peace
My days of harmony
And tranquility in my soul
For Today I feel free

Free enough to let go
Of the fear of tomorrow
Or the pain of yesterday
As I live my life today.

Destined for greatness
These scars that I carry
Are no more reminders of triumph
Then they could ever be of failure

For I fought with myself
Not just so that I could be here
But so that I could be here
With a pep in step,

For life might have kicked me down
But I chose to get up
The more it tried to defeat me
It gave me the courage to rise up again.

Destined for greatness
And this time
I am not afraid
For I see the future

Glaring in front of my eyes
Success I will make it there
To the days of peace
And harmony in my soul

For I chose to keep walking
The tougher the road became
The lonelier I became
But still I held on

For the loving that was inside
Could never allow me to give in
To ever loose hope
When I knew, I will make it there.

Truly I was destined for greatness
That in my lowest days
I was still above many
Though I felt below some

And now today
I look down on no one
I look up to no one
For everyone that I need

Walks besides me
In this journey of life
For we all now know
That we are helping
Guide each other home

#Peace. 15/11/16
by erL™

Monday 30 January 2017

Still left to live (how long)

You gotta have a vision
Before you set out on your mission

Know where you are going
Before you set out to make there

Make believe, that you have made there
And surely, you shall step up to the plate

You shall rise to the occasion
And be triumphant over defeat

You shalt not give up
For the death of your dream

Is a nightmare on its own
And that's, another death

To your soul
To your being

Long before your body dies
Or you take your last breath

So cherish the moment
Live those dreams

For you never know how long
You are still left to live.

#Peace. 22/12/16
by erL

Friday 27 January 2017

In search of me

I am not a man on a mission
I am a mission within a man

I am what he is
When he wakes up

Motivated for the day
Ready to take it on

Bull by the horns
As I embrace a good challenge.

I am not a man on a mission
I am a mission within a man

I am more then his goals
I am the culmination of his dreams

The life he is destined to live
Long before he starts living it

I am his heart
I am soul

I am him
What ever he may think he is

I am that
What ever it is

For many have never seen me before
But they all claim, to be in search of me

#Peace. 24/0 1/17
by erL™

Friday 20 January 2017

Take this journey with me

I write poems of hope
Painting a picture of peace
Harmony and tranquility
For those who will believe

And in them they shall
For where else can they go
If they ever wanted to be free
If it wasn't inside their very beings

Where their souls rest
Laying in wait
For the day that
You shall open the door

And traverse
The corridors of your mind
Visit the perimeters of your soul
As you unlock the loving

That you so carry within
That is why outside
They placed their treasure
So that you may never search for inner peace

But today I write you
This poem of hope
So that if you may believe
You may see what I bring to you

A way to the door
That you may so enter
If you ever desired to be free
I paint you this picture

For only the door I may show you
But only you may walk through it
For the journey is yours
And I am just here to teach you

To trust within yourself
For what lays deep within you
Is a power so great
They fear the day you know

They fear the day
More then when you open the door
They fear the day
That you take the step within

For that warmth
That love and light
The healing and oneness
That it represents

Is the harmony you so seek
The peace that you think
All your material possessions may bring
Only to fail, for you always want more.

And so I write these poems of peace
In the hopes that one day
You may decode my vision
And take this journey with me

#Peace. 03/01/17
by erL™

Thursday 19 January 2017


Is it knowledge
Or know a ledge

For I know a ledge
On which to stand upon

And peer deep
Unto the unknown

So do you have knowledge
Or do you know a ledge

Unto which to make your stand
As you view the world around you

Feet firmly planted on the ground
For I know who I am, and where I stand

And so I feel at peace with myself
For my knowledge, has set me free from myself.

So do you, have knowledge
Or do do you know a ledge

For what roots
Does knowledge have

Because when you build a ledge
You first create a foundation for it.

#Peace. 07/01/17
Foundation by erL

Wednesday 18 January 2017

(Its so) Hard to say Goodbye

When you're happy and smiling
Your eyes glisten like a full moon

You tilt your head inwards
As your eyes start to flatter

You'd lean in
As you started to swing your hair

Never had I ever seen
Such beauty

So radiant and charming
That it had me captivated.

Lost in your eyes I was
Peering deep, where most man cannot see

I saw your soul
Whereas others just saw your body

I felt your aura
Whilst others just felt for you lustfully

I felt you
And that is why

Its so hard to say goodbye
To the one you wished to have a future with.

When you are happy and smiling
All I🙂ever wanted to do

Was look deep into your spellbinding eyes
And let them lead me to places
No mere mortal man shall ever see

#Peace. 16/01/17
(Its so) Hard to say goodbye by erL™

Tuesday 17 January 2017

tears on my Page

Tears on my page
Wiping them off
With the sleeves of my shirt

I paint this picture for you
So that you may understand
Sometimes its what we don't show you

That makes us strong
For in the cover of darkness
We let ourselves go

We merge with the oneness
As we become the void
In order to know

How to fill it up again
For long has it since been
That it has seen light

Vibrations of life

If any
To be

For how could we ever be
If we weren't already
In the first place.

Tears on my page
Courage to let go
To have no fear

For I know
I am stronger now
Then I could have ever been

And so
When the sun rises
I pick myself up

Before you could ever see
That I was down
I carry on with my journey

But what journey is it
That the only peace I feel
Is when I am asleep.

Tears on my page
Of a man with no fear
And a determined look on his face

For he knows where he is going
He understands where he is coming from
And he won't stop until he is on top

That is where
He is destined to be

#Peace. 30/12/16
Tears on my page by erL™

Monday 16 January 2017

All by myself

But not afraid to move on

But not afraid to keep traveling

Wishing I was still with you

But I am not
For I have lost you

The only one who took  their time
To try and polish a rough diamond like me

And so today, I feel hurt
For I hurt the one I love

I feel lost
Trying to find a new direction without you

And the journey has gotten lonesome
Without someone to travel it with me

And so today I make peace with myself
Letting the tears roll down my eyes

In symbolism for my loss
For I am not sure, if I will ever have it again

I said I am hurt
For you are not by my side

I am lost
For the thought of you, gave me direction

Bit now I am alone
For I have to now

Walk this journey
All by myself again

#Peace. 16/01/17