Tuesday 2 May 2017

Set Myself free

It’s the ones not said
That weigh the heaviest

They cast spells upon men

That’s why it’s called spelling
It’s because of the spell

They leave us in
The more we cast them out

Unto the world
The power they possess.

Men have bit their tongues
Whilst others have choked on them

And so today
I cast my own

Letting their thoughts
Set sail unto the face of the earth

Never can I get them back now
Nor can I uncast their spell

A new spell without
That’s why, I cast them anew

With the hope that
Their new conviction

Will be the eviction of the old
And set the very latest in stone

For forever, I was destined to fight
If the fight was to free myself

But what freedom was I to achieve
When my own words

Where the ones
Casting spells over my present self?

It’s the ones not expressed
That weigh the heaviest

Their emotions
The true depths of me

The true depths
Of my heart

And so today
I free myself from them

As I cast new spells above myself

With an open heart

For that is the only way
I can ultimately set myself free

#Peace. 02/05/17 by erL

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