Friday 19 May 2017

Parents of Men

Why is Nature our Mother?
And Time our Father

Are we their children?
Or could our planet be?

For Mother Nature
Feeds on her children

The more
She feeds them,

And could Father time
Know more than he says

Or let’s up
For His spawns to see.

Why is Nature
Our Mother

And Time
Our Father

Where they rightfully ill named
Or could that be so

Could there be
More than we know

For who gave them their titles
Who blessed their union?

And watched over their children
As they birthed them all,

I guess what I am trying to say
Is who is responsible for all of this?

Who could they be?
And who gave them this power

To rightfully such titles
On such descening entities

Who rightfully bore their all?
 For the children they now had.

Who named Nature our Mother?
And Time our Father

For there is yet I am still to ask them
Like what did they see

When they chose these entities
To be the parents of men

#Peace. 11/05/17 by erL

Image may contain: one or more people

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