Monday 27 February 2017

Begin with

You've magic in your heart
And it spill down to your hands
Every time that you write

You scribble down my soul
Etching with it my dreams
With the hopes that I may heal.

You've got magic in your heart
And it spills down to your hands
Every time that you scribble

You capture my pain
Painting my sorrow
The more that you are.

Please write some more
That magic in your heart
And let my soul free

Free, from the bondage of the past
Free, from the heart aches in my soul
Free, as I could ever dream of

For you hold the power within your hands
To not just free a caged bird
But to teach it, how to fly again.

You've got magic in your heart
And hold its power within your hands
Meticulasly writing my present moment

The more your ink spills
It spills in my name
Carving a path to my future.

Please write some more
The memoirs of a dreamer
Who never had the chance to awaken

Until you held the pen
And wrote me a song
That finally woke me up

From the slumber that I was taking
Without ever realising that
I was asleep to begin with

#Peace. 26/02/17 by erL™

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