Sunday 7 May 2017

Who are you?

Who are you?
To tell me who I am

When you are not the one
Walking this journey for me

So who are you?
To dictate my life

When no one
Dictates the terms for yours

The mistakes you made
And the lessons

That grew you
To the person that you are today

So who are you?
To tell me who I am

To condemn me
For my own mistakes

When they are the lessons
That are, turning me

Into the man I am
And the success I have become

So who are you?
To judge me

When it is my life to live
That you want to dictate

How I should live it
When no one dictates to you on yours

#Peace. 03/05/17 by erL

Image may contain: one or more people, eyeglasses and closeup

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