Saturday 18 February 2017

All in due time

I mean you there
Holding the pen

I see you
I see what you do
Where you go
And what you wish to accomplish

And I have this to say
We made it man
Regardless of what you think
Just think back to a year ago

Do you see it now
How far you have come
What accomplishments you have made
Just think about it for a minute

You have just one chance to change
And until thus far
You are trailing my man
But making headway in your own right

You are marvelous
Stupendous even
Undescribable if I do say

And you are almost there Les
You are so close
Just hang in there a little longer
Whatever you do don't lose hope

Don't think about the time you've lost
Think about the time you have
By utilising it properly
You will affect the world

You might not heal a lot of wounds
But you can damn sure put a bandage on
By affecting those you can
You will affect lives

Just as long as you hold on
Stay headstrong
Be unrelenting in your praose
Because it is your birthright

No great story needs to be foretold
Before we carve our destiny
Thought the choices we make

So dear young Les
Present me
Today's being
One day you shall get it

You shall understand
Why I chose this day
To speak with you
From the great beyond

So much you yearn for
But so much you are yet go accomplish
Even greater then you are dreaming of
Or are allowing yourself to dream of

Be bold
Be courageous
Be wise
But what ever you do

Never forget to be free
To be open
To be loving
And caring

Never allow your thoughts
To belittle your ambitions
What the naysayers say
Is a reflection of their own disbelief
In themselves

Well I have faith in you
I have faith in myself
I am more then I am right now
I am all that at this moment

And with that having been said
I will leave you
With a word of wisdom
But never something to be taken likely

For whenever you find yourself in doubt
Whenever you find yourself in disbelief
Whenever the road gets tough
Just sit down in your own silence

For you are all that you need
You always have been
You always will be
And the more you believe in yourself

The more you open the doors
That will ultimately see you
Not only achieving your dreams
But also becoming the beacon of hope
The world dreams of

So just relax
Breath easy
All will be well
In due time

#Peace. 01/06/15 by erL™