Tuesday 31 January 2017

Guide each other home

Destined for greatness
This path that I walk
I always knew that
It will take me there

To my days of peace
My days of harmony
And tranquility in my soul
For Today I feel free

Free enough to let go
Of the fear of tomorrow
Or the pain of yesterday
As I live my life today.

Destined for greatness
These scars that I carry
Are no more reminders of triumph
Then they could ever be of failure

For I fought with myself
Not just so that I could be here
But so that I could be here
With a pep in step,

For life might have kicked me down
But I chose to get up
The more it tried to defeat me
It gave me the courage to rise up again.

Destined for greatness
And this time
I am not afraid
For I see the future

Glaring in front of my eyes
Success I will make it there
To the days of peace
And harmony in my soul

For I chose to keep walking
The tougher the road became
The lonelier I became
But still I held on

For the loving that was inside
Could never allow me to give in
To ever loose hope
When I knew, I will make it there.

Truly I was destined for greatness
That in my lowest days
I was still above many
Though I felt below some

And now today
I look down on no one
I look up to no one
For everyone that I need

Walks besides me
In this journey of life
For we all now know
That we are helping
Guide each other home

#Peace. 15/11/16
by erL™

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