Tuesday 20 June 2017

Ether into Matter (Immortalised)

Pen abuse
And page abuse

Their abuse
Is my use

To get it out
(My word)

Out to the world
For all to see.

Pen abuse
And this page abuse

Their abuse
At the wrath of my hand

Is how I use
My sword and shield

More metaphorical
In a metaphysical sense,

But this pen abuse
And this page abuse

Their abuse
My use

From the wrath my hand
As it bleeds these thoughts out

From my brain
Straight into matter,

So this pen abuse
And this page abuse

To you
Might not matter

But to me
It’s not why they should matter

But rather that
They have immortalised ether, into a form of matter

#Peace. 19/06/17 by erL

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