Monday 15 May 2017

What it means, to be human

Dear black son
The world awaits your next move

Will it be a call to unite?
Or will you continue subjecting yourselves

To these horrible ill vibes
That got you now trapped in a matrix

That you never created
In the first place.

Dear black son
What will it take you?

To make you realize
That the world awaits you

At your very hand and call
To know what comes next

In our journey back home
For they followed your words fully

And await on the time
That you shall now be one

For they shall all listen
To what you have to say

As your word
Carries the essence they need

To know what it means to unite
And to live as one.

Dear black son
My journey continued not through me

My world awaits your call
For you are the ones that taught them, what it means to be human

#Peace. 15/05/15

What it means (to be human) by erL

Image may contain: 1 person

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