Tuesday 28 April 2015

warmth of a woman(laying next to me)

Infatuations of the heart
Could they ever be so real

I stand and stare
As the hour is upon me

Do I seize the day
While I still have this moment

Or do I let it flow like the tides
And see where they beach me

For how I have grown lonely with time
Without the warmth of a woman laying right next to me

#Peace. 18/04/15

Friday 10 April 2015


Salute to the great Kings
Salute to the great Queens
Salute the the Prince's
And the Princesses
Heaven, we are home
For we search for a place
We have not seen
While we destroy the one we have
When are we going to see it
When are going to be free
From this holographic mind frame
That is locking us in this great big rut

#Peace. 09/03/15


The seeds
Of days that past
Will never fade away
Like days that past
They will always remember you
Even when they were dark.

The seeds
Of days to come
Will never fade away
Like days to come
They will always remind you
When days go dark.

The seeds
That we plant today
It wil never lead us astray
Unlike days that past
Or what dreams remind you of
For days will go dark.

These seeds
That we planted
Shall never lead us astray
Unlike the façade that is days
Or memory's and dreams
For days are always dark

#Peace 15/03/15


This is home
And there's no other place like it
Though we chop and burn
Mine and smelt it
Like we have a replacement planet.

This is home
So far its the only one like it
But we rape and Pilate
Fight and destroy it
Like were going to hit an off switch when its done.

As I tell you this is home
Man die for it
Some because of it
Though we live in the same house
But that, it seems we cannot see

#Peace 14/03/15

poor mans plate

He said 'm thirsty
Mummy I'm dying for a drink
She replied you'll die if you drink

What's faith
But an undying illusion
Perpatrator of the heart

But than what is love
But an emotion of the blind
For through the hearts they see

They cry in agony
Yells wailing out high
"Injustice to all mankind"

They say there's more fruits
In a rich man's shampoo
Than on a poor mans plate

That's because they care not if we live
They would love it if we died
For we are of no use to them

#Peace 18/03/15

the language i speak

Can I speak with you today
Can I
Bother you for a minute
As I
Tell you about the love that exists
Its all around
Like light during the day
Or droplets during a summer shower
This love is abundant
And has no price tag on it.
Can I at least try
To give you some of this love
For I have given some to me
And I liked it so much
It was so enchanting
And now I want to share it
For this love is not mine
It is ours.
I said hi
Can you hear what I am trying to say
Because I have no one else to talk to
Except you
Because only you
Can comprehend the language that I speak

#Peace 23/03/15

Thursday 9 April 2015

back in the saddle again

I fell of the band wagon
But um back in the saddle again
If I was still a child
I would be back in the cradle again

Its beautiful that I have seen the light
But my life is not shaped by it
For its something that I had to deal with
Not live with

For its not my life
Just an option
And I choose not to live there
For no one achieved their dreams dwelling in the past.

I fell of the band wagon
But I got my ass on that saddle again
One hand on the whip
The other is on the reigns

For I control my life
Direct it to where I want it to go
But it has been dragging me around
As if I was the head of the headless horseman

I am no child
But I feel like I am in the cradle again
Reborn in the name of the truth
Baptised in the river of light

My soul has been reborn again
My head has been put back on again
And for the first time mine eyes see
Though they were never blind.

I am back on the saddle again
I am back on my band wagon
And the band is playing
"Praise be to thee, for thine time has cometh"

#Peace 23/03/15

teach me

Teach me, and I will learn
Guide me, and I will follow
Love me, and I will love you
Care for me, and I will care for you

For I am you
And you are me
We are one
Connected by love

So teach me, and I will learn
How to love you
How to cherish you
For you are me

I said guide me, and I will follow
And where we go
Shall be home
For we shall be one

So love me, and I will love you
Because I love me
And you love yourself
So it makes sense that we also love each other

Also care for me, and I will care for you
Pick you up when your down
Raise you high when your low
For you will do the same for me

Teach me, and I will learn
Guide me, and I will follow
But whatever you do
Always do it with love

#Peace 24/03/15

teach me

Teach me, and I will learn
Guide me, and I will follow
Love me, and I will love you
Care for me, and I will care for you

For I am you
And you are me
We are one
Connected by love

So teach me, and I will learn
How to love you
How to cherish you
For you are me

I said guide me, and I will follow
And where we go
Shall be home
For we shall be one

So love me, and I will love you
Because I love me
And you love yourself
So it makes sense that we also love each other

Also care for me, and I will care for you
Pick you up when your down
Raise you high when your low
For you will do the same for me

Teach me, and I will learn
Guide me, and I will follow
But whatever you do
Always do it with love

#Peace 24/03/15

a better earth(for our kids)

I dream a dream
That no man has dreamt
Unless he has dreamt of a better earth

Lets think about the children, no one ever said
Corrupt and selfish
Driven by power and greed
But are we going to make it there
I sit back and wonder

With mine eyes dry
As the children played around
Clueless to the pitfalls of the world around
Some say "when will they ever learn,
That life is not a game"

Even though on the contrary it is
We can't go around popping bubbles
And say it for the sake of the kids
And expect them to better live
When we have cut their wings

Lets let them dream
In hopes they will build a better tomorrow
A brighter day for their own kids
An opportunity to live the life they choose
I say better the man who raises the youth than he who cripples them

I dream a dream
That no man has dreamt
Unless he has dreamt of a better earth for our kids

#Peace 29/03/15
A better earth(for our kids)


It hurt
But I couldn't cry

It hurt
But I couldn't look back

Because nothing was there
Just darkness

There could never be light
When its source has been taken

It hurt
But still I weaped not

For nothing was left but darkness
And that ain't attractive

I swallowed my pride and vowed to move on
To never look back no matter what

Because it taught me to look forward
And put my life first

So now i walk
With my head held high

Ashamed not of my past
For I know it doesn't affect my future

So now I walk
Proudly holding my head up high

For even though it hurt
Luckily I don't live there no more

#Peace. 09/04/15

Tuesday 7 April 2015

why are we alive

Some places feel like heaven
Others seem like hell
But who am I to tell
When I have never been to either

But yet these places make me feel
And those feelings won't die
Unless I died along with them
But that is not the life I was sent to live

Why should I be born to die
Or live to suffer
Why is it all like this
Am I the only one who wants to question how we live

We wake up to this rut
Rolling around a matrix of lies
While running a ratrace
Trying to figure out a way out of this maze

Most are confused
So they follow the beaten path
Never questioning in their own minds
Why we even exist

#Peace 29/03/15

place i seek

I fell asleep
But I'm awake now
Though I'm awakened to this waken dream
I am finally awake in this dream
Mine eyes see where is there is no light
Mine ears hear were there isn't sound
Mine body feels feels thine earths vibration
Is this what heaven feels like.
I feel asleep
But I'm awake now
Though I'm still in this waken dream
The light I have seen
And I know I am going to make it there
Where, only my heart shall know
For its the compass to the place I seak

#Peace. 04/04/15

these bonds

I can feel them grow weaker
Day by day
These bonds grow weaker

I feel them
For I chew at their chains
Gnawing at them day after day

For I know I will be free
Free from these chains shackling me
Keeping me away from my dreams.

I can feel them grow weaker
Day after day these chains grow weaker
As I feed myself the strength to grow stronger

I know I will make it there
For these chains are not real
Just shackles inprisoning my mind

And I am freeing it
Freeing it from this prison in my mind
For my heart yearns to be free.

Frolicking and playing
Like a child at his peak
For that is who I be

That is who I will be
And that is who I will become
As I set myself free

So I feel them grow weak
For I exercise my weaknesses
Just as I grow my strengths

#Peace. 06/04/15

i have lied

Um sorry
But I have lied

Not to my family
And not to my friends

But to myself
And that is the biggest lie

I said I will change
But where is there difference

I am still the same
Though some grief I have shed along the way

So now I feel sad
For I have come full circle

Standing where I begun
A decade later

But this time I have seen the light
And know the road is still to get tough

So I sit Here and cry
For the second I stop weeping

I shall stand and I shall never look back
For I know I am promised greatness

I have known it all my life
And that is a dream they can't kill

So I will fight
Until there is no fight in me

For I know that by feeling sorry
And knowing that I have lied

Means I hold the truth in my hands
And finally not afraid to use it

And use it I shall
Until my life is alright.

I am sorry
But I have lied

Not to my family
Not to my friends

But I have told the biggest lie
Which is to thyself

And starting from today I live the truth
For I have no room for lies

When my life is not a dream
Only nightmares of what I let it be

And that is something I have the power to change
Change I damn sure am

No matter how hard it becomes
I will make it there

#Peace. 06/04/15

a lonely begger

He croaks
With words barely audible
That they sounded like a mourn

"Dear passer by
Could you spare me a dollar
Or atleast crumbs to eat"

He begges
Barely ever showers
Like he knew not hygiene

But that's his life
He might not be proud of it
But he ain't ashamed to do it either

Because it was written as the law by man
Now mere man fail to pick each other up, but why
Why are we so inhumane

That man go about day by day
Hungry, starving for they got nothing to eat
While a block away a man throws away plenty

Where has the love gone
Where is the compassion humanity
Are you so inhumane that you will deny one another

Are your so heartless that you ignore the warnings
Turn your backs on the truth
But you can't be that blind from reality

You cannot be so blinded that you cannot see
The truth that lays right in front of you
That we are no longer one

Segregated by mindless philosophies
Divided by our own believes
When I we going to see this lie for what it is

When are we going go notice thier dividing us
So that easily they could conqure us
And keep us trapped in their web of lies.

I croaked
Sound so barely audible
You might mistake it for a whisper

"As a people we are lost
As a people we need to find ourselves
As we disconnect ourselves from this matrix"

But are we ever going to succeed
When the entire human race
Can pass a lonely begger by

#Peace 06/04/15
A lonely begger

the last hit

Savour the last hit for me
In reminder of days that were
As he lay dying
Fading away in the light
Knowing that it was his end of days
No more shall he come around
No longer shall he be invited near
I don't want him around
And I don't need him around either
And he knows it
Not to say the war shall be won
For many are battles to come
But this one I must make
Head strong like a naive soldier
Because I have been stead fast like an army general
And the is no sign of accomplishment here
Maybe if I charged at it headstrong
My consciousness will guide me where I am lost
For how can I always be wrong
And not once atleast get it right

#Peace. 06/04/15