Tuesday 23 May 2017


You either have too much of it
Or running out of it

You’re either running out of it
Or catching too much of it

You’re either afraid to live it
Or living it to the fullest

You either got it by the horns
Or letting it slip right out of your hands

You’re either on top of it
Or down on your luck out of it

Because living
Everyone is allowed to do
But rarely do some go out and live

#Peace 23/05/17

Life by erL

Friday 19 May 2017

Parents of Men

Why is Nature our Mother?
And Time our Father

Are we their children?
Or could our planet be?

For Mother Nature
Feeds on her children

The more
She feeds them,

And could Father time
Know more than he says

Or let’s up
For His spawns to see.

Why is Nature
Our Mother

And Time
Our Father

Where they rightfully ill named
Or could that be so

Could there be
More than we know

For who gave them their titles
Who blessed their union?

And watched over their children
As they birthed them all,

I guess what I am trying to say
Is who is responsible for all of this?

Who could they be?
And who gave them this power

To rightfully such titles
On such descening entities

Who rightfully bore their all?
 For the children they now had.

Who named Nature our Mother?
And Time our Father

For there is yet I am still to ask them
Like what did they see

When they chose these entities
To be the parents of men

#Peace. 11/05/17 by erL

Image may contain: one or more people

Monday 15 May 2017

What it means, to be human

Dear black son
The world awaits your next move

Will it be a call to unite?
Or will you continue subjecting yourselves

To these horrible ill vibes
That got you now trapped in a matrix

That you never created
In the first place.

Dear black son
What will it take you?

To make you realize
That the world awaits you

At your very hand and call
To know what comes next

In our journey back home
For they followed your words fully

And await on the time
That you shall now be one

For they shall all listen
To what you have to say

As your word
Carries the essence they need

To know what it means to unite
And to live as one.

Dear black son
My journey continued not through me

My world awaits your call
For you are the ones that taught them, what it means to be human

#Peace. 15/05/15

What it means (to be human) by erL

Image may contain: 1 person

Monday 8 May 2017

My real Strength (to truly know)

And as the dust settled
I looked up to the sky

With no tears in my eyes no more
I could finally see my true form again

The light that came from inside of me
The image that I was once again to become

The more I became myself
My true self.

As it settled again
Just like it had once risen

My true form emerging
From the storm I had once become

I could finally see the light
Like the sun beaming from behind the clouds

I was finally free
Free to call myself one

One with myself
One with my soul

One with the all
That unites us all,

So as I stood the
Watching the dust settle

In front of my eyes
The beauty that now arose

Captivating my eyes
And mesmerizing my soul

I was finally able to let go
Where I had once held on for so long

With all my might
And strength I could master

No longer had I a reason
To act bold

When weak I was to become
In order, to truly know my real strength

#Peace. 04/05/17 by erL

Sunday 7 May 2017

Who are you?

Who are you?
To tell me who I am

When you are not the one
Walking this journey for me

So who are you?
To dictate my life

When no one
Dictates the terms for yours

The mistakes you made
And the lessons

That grew you
To the person that you are today

So who are you?
To tell me who I am

To condemn me
For my own mistakes

When they are the lessons
That are, turning me

Into the man I am
And the success I have become

So who are you?
To judge me

When it is my life to live
That you want to dictate

How I should live it
When no one dictates to you on yours

#Peace. 03/05/17 by erL

Image may contain: one or more people, eyeglasses and closeup

Wednesday 3 May 2017

The choice for me

I am better
No matter how hard i try

I can cry
Weeping till my tears fill the ocean

But i will always be better
As long as i decided to be,

I can fall
I can stumble

Till i do a full barrel

But i will still be better
Then when i began

For after the fall
Comes the choice to rejoice

As i will once again
Surely pick myself up again.

So i am better
Not because it is a choice

But rather because
I made it in the first place

And if i didn't
who would i expect, to make the choice for me?

#Peace. 02/05/17 by erL

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Set Myself free

It’s the ones not said
That weigh the heaviest

They cast spells upon men

That’s why it’s called spelling
It’s because of the spell

They leave us in
The more we cast them out

Unto the world
The power they possess.

Men have bit their tongues
Whilst others have choked on them

And so today
I cast my own

Letting their thoughts
Set sail unto the face of the earth

Never can I get them back now
Nor can I uncast their spell

A new spell without
That’s why, I cast them anew

With the hope that
Their new conviction

Will be the eviction of the old
And set the very latest in stone

For forever, I was destined to fight
If the fight was to free myself

But what freedom was I to achieve
When my own words

Where the ones
Casting spells over my present self?

It’s the ones not expressed
That weigh the heaviest

Their emotions
The true depths of me

The true depths
Of my heart

And so today
I free myself from them

As I cast new spells above myself

With an open heart

For that is the only way
I can ultimately set myself free

#Peace. 02/05/17 by erL