Friday 7 July 2017

i'm just nothing
but a message
a message
in a bottle
to hear me speak
you must seek the contents inside
for inherent in me
are words written on stone
that shall never wash away
no matter the storm.
said i'm just nothing
but a message
a message
contained in a vessel
what you see
is just my body
for what you seek
lays deep inside of me
#Peace. 02/07/17 by erL

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Ether into Matter (Immortalised)

Pen abuse
And page abuse

Their abuse
Is my use

To get it out
(My word)

Out to the world
For all to see.

Pen abuse
And this page abuse

Their abuse
At the wrath of my hand

Is how I use
My sword and shield

More metaphorical
In a metaphysical sense,

But this pen abuse
And this page abuse

Their abuse
My use

From the wrath my hand
As it bleeds these thoughts out

From my brain
Straight into matter,

So this pen abuse
And this page abuse

To you
Might not matter

But to me
It’s not why they should matter

But rather that
They have immortalised ether, into a form of matter

#Peace. 19/06/17 by erL

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Thursday 15 June 2017

Oh Afrika (my motherland)

Oh Afrika
My mother land

For you I’d die
Gladly bleed until my last drop

If that’s what you need
For you to heal yourself

Stab myself in the heart
Shoot myself in the head

For my mother to live
And continue feeding her children,

Oh Afrika
My pride and joy

From the plains of the Serengeti
To the banks of the river Nile

Gladly I would fight
Until my last breath

For you have birthed men
And nurtured him till he became a tyrant

Stealing from your land
Enriching their own pockets with their greed

But today I fight for you
With nothing but sticks and stones

I will fight for you
Until my death becomes the symbol of your struggles,

Oh Afrika
My motherland

My pride and joy
And the birther of men

How long will they fight for you
When you never took from them

What they steal from you
That they never owned,

Oh Afrika
My mother land

#Peace. 15/06/17 by erL

Monday 5 June 2017

Want to feel

Feel me
Feel you
Fill the world
With nothing but
Pride and lust, glutuney and greed
Feel you
Feel me
Fill the world
With nothing but
Love and joy, care and happiness
Feeling you
Feeling me
if we could all fill the world
with nothing but, how we feel
now you tell me, which one would you want to feel?
#Peace. 01/06/17 by erL

Tuesday 23 May 2017


You either have too much of it
Or running out of it

You’re either running out of it
Or catching too much of it

You’re either afraid to live it
Or living it to the fullest

You either got it by the horns
Or letting it slip right out of your hands

You’re either on top of it
Or down on your luck out of it

Because living
Everyone is allowed to do
But rarely do some go out and live

#Peace 23/05/17

Life by erL

Friday 19 May 2017

Parents of Men

Why is Nature our Mother?
And Time our Father

Are we their children?
Or could our planet be?

For Mother Nature
Feeds on her children

The more
She feeds them,

And could Father time
Know more than he says

Or let’s up
For His spawns to see.

Why is Nature
Our Mother

And Time
Our Father

Where they rightfully ill named
Or could that be so

Could there be
More than we know

For who gave them their titles
Who blessed their union?

And watched over their children
As they birthed them all,

I guess what I am trying to say
Is who is responsible for all of this?

Who could they be?
And who gave them this power

To rightfully such titles
On such descening entities

Who rightfully bore their all?
 For the children they now had.

Who named Nature our Mother?
And Time our Father

For there is yet I am still to ask them
Like what did they see

When they chose these entities
To be the parents of men

#Peace. 11/05/17 by erL

Image may contain: one or more people

Monday 15 May 2017

What it means, to be human

Dear black son
The world awaits your next move

Will it be a call to unite?
Or will you continue subjecting yourselves

To these horrible ill vibes
That got you now trapped in a matrix

That you never created
In the first place.

Dear black son
What will it take you?

To make you realize
That the world awaits you

At your very hand and call
To know what comes next

In our journey back home
For they followed your words fully

And await on the time
That you shall now be one

For they shall all listen
To what you have to say

As your word
Carries the essence they need

To know what it means to unite
And to live as one.

Dear black son
My journey continued not through me

My world awaits your call
For you are the ones that taught them, what it means to be human

#Peace. 15/05/15

What it means (to be human) by erL

Image may contain: 1 person