Wednesday 18 January 2017

(Its so) Hard to say Goodbye

When you're happy and smiling
Your eyes glisten like a full moon

You tilt your head inwards
As your eyes start to flatter

You'd lean in
As you started to swing your hair

Never had I ever seen
Such beauty

So radiant and charming
That it had me captivated.

Lost in your eyes I was
Peering deep, where most man cannot see

I saw your soul
Whereas others just saw your body

I felt your aura
Whilst others just felt for you lustfully

I felt you
And that is why

Its so hard to say goodbye
To the one you wished to have a future with.

When you are happy and smiling
All I🙂ever wanted to do

Was look deep into your spellbinding eyes
And let them lead me to places
No mere mortal man shall ever see

#Peace. 16/01/17
(Its so) Hard to say goodbye by erL™

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