Tuesday 31 January 2017

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Guide each other home

Destined for greatness
This path that I walk
I always knew that
It will take me there

To my days of peace
My days of harmony
And tranquility in my soul
For Today I feel free

Free enough to let go
Of the fear of tomorrow
Or the pain of yesterday
As I live my life today.

Destined for greatness
These scars that I carry
Are no more reminders of triumph
Then they could ever be of failure

For I fought with myself
Not just so that I could be here
But so that I could be here
With a pep in step,

For life might have kicked me down
But I chose to get up
The more it tried to defeat me
It gave me the courage to rise up again.

Destined for greatness
And this time
I am not afraid
For I see the future

Glaring in front of my eyes
Success I will make it there
To the days of peace
And harmony in my soul

For I chose to keep walking
The tougher the road became
The lonelier I became
But still I held on

For the loving that was inside
Could never allow me to give in
To ever loose hope
When I knew, I will make it there.

Truly I was destined for greatness
That in my lowest days
I was still above many
Though I felt below some

And now today
I look down on no one
I look up to no one
For everyone that I need

Walks besides me
In this journey of life
For we all now know
That we are helping
Guide each other home

#Peace. 15/11/16
by erL™

Monday 30 January 2017

Still left to live (how long)

You gotta have a vision
Before you set out on your mission

Know where you are going
Before you set out to make there

Make believe, that you have made there
And surely, you shall step up to the plate

You shall rise to the occasion
And be triumphant over defeat

You shalt not give up
For the death of your dream

Is a nightmare on its own
And that's, another death

To your soul
To your being

Long before your body dies
Or you take your last breath

So cherish the moment
Live those dreams

For you never know how long
You are still left to live.

#Peace. 22/12/16
by erL

Friday 27 January 2017

In search of me

I am not a man on a mission
I am a mission within a man

I am what he is
When he wakes up

Motivated for the day
Ready to take it on

Bull by the horns
As I embrace a good challenge.

I am not a man on a mission
I am a mission within a man

I am more then his goals
I am the culmination of his dreams

The life he is destined to live
Long before he starts living it

I am his heart
I am soul

I am him
What ever he may think he is

I am that
What ever it is

For many have never seen me before
But they all claim, to be in search of me

#Peace. 24/0 1/17
by erL™

Friday 20 January 2017

Take this journey with me

I write poems of hope
Painting a picture of peace
Harmony and tranquility
For those who will believe

And in them they shall
For where else can they go
If they ever wanted to be free
If it wasn't inside their very beings

Where their souls rest
Laying in wait
For the day that
You shall open the door

And traverse
The corridors of your mind
Visit the perimeters of your soul
As you unlock the loving

That you so carry within
That is why outside
They placed their treasure
So that you may never search for inner peace

But today I write you
This poem of hope
So that if you may believe
You may see what I bring to you

A way to the door
That you may so enter
If you ever desired to be free
I paint you this picture

For only the door I may show you
But only you may walk through it
For the journey is yours
And I am just here to teach you

To trust within yourself
For what lays deep within you
Is a power so great
They fear the day you know

They fear the day
More then when you open the door
They fear the day
That you take the step within

For that warmth
That love and light
The healing and oneness
That it represents

Is the harmony you so seek
The peace that you think
All your material possessions may bring
Only to fail, for you always want more.

And so I write these poems of peace
In the hopes that one day
You may decode my vision
And take this journey with me

#Peace. 03/01/17
by erL™

Thursday 19 January 2017


Is it knowledge
Or know a ledge

For I know a ledge
On which to stand upon

And peer deep
Unto the unknown

So do you have knowledge
Or do you know a ledge

Unto which to make your stand
As you view the world around you

Feet firmly planted on the ground
For I know who I am, and where I stand

And so I feel at peace with myself
For my knowledge, has set me free from myself.

So do you, have knowledge
Or do do you know a ledge

For what roots
Does knowledge have

Because when you build a ledge
You first create a foundation for it.

#Peace. 07/01/17
Foundation by erL

Wednesday 18 January 2017

(Its so) Hard to say Goodbye

When you're happy and smiling
Your eyes glisten like a full moon

You tilt your head inwards
As your eyes start to flatter

You'd lean in
As you started to swing your hair

Never had I ever seen
Such beauty

So radiant and charming
That it had me captivated.

Lost in your eyes I was
Peering deep, where most man cannot see

I saw your soul
Whereas others just saw your body

I felt your aura
Whilst others just felt for you lustfully

I felt you
And that is why

Its so hard to say goodbye
To the one you wished to have a future with.

When you are happy and smiling
All I🙂ever wanted to do

Was look deep into your spellbinding eyes
And let them lead me to places
No mere mortal man shall ever see

#Peace. 16/01/17
(Its so) Hard to say goodbye by erL™

Tuesday 17 January 2017

tears on my Page

Tears on my page
Wiping them off
With the sleeves of my shirt

I paint this picture for you
So that you may understand
Sometimes its what we don't show you

That makes us strong
For in the cover of darkness
We let ourselves go

We merge with the oneness
As we become the void
In order to know

How to fill it up again
For long has it since been
That it has seen light

Vibrations of life

If any
To be

For how could we ever be
If we weren't already
In the first place.

Tears on my page
Courage to let go
To have no fear

For I know
I am stronger now
Then I could have ever been

And so
When the sun rises
I pick myself up

Before you could ever see
That I was down
I carry on with my journey

But what journey is it
That the only peace I feel
Is when I am asleep.

Tears on my page
Of a man with no fear
And a determined look on his face

For he knows where he is going
He understands where he is coming from
And he won't stop until he is on top

That is where
He is destined to be

#Peace. 30/12/16
Tears on my page by erL™

Monday 16 January 2017

All by myself

But not afraid to move on

But not afraid to keep traveling

Wishing I was still with you

But I am not
For I have lost you

The only one who took  their time
To try and polish a rough diamond like me

And so today, I feel hurt
For I hurt the one I love

I feel lost
Trying to find a new direction without you

And the journey has gotten lonesome
Without someone to travel it with me

And so today I make peace with myself
Letting the tears roll down my eyes

In symbolism for my loss
For I am not sure, if I will ever have it again

I said I am hurt
For you are not by my side

I am lost
For the thought of you, gave me direction

Bit now I am alone
For I have to now

Walk this journey
All by myself again

#Peace. 16/01/17