Friday 21 April 2017

Letting me go

from the shadow of the sun
to the dark-side of the moon

i'd sing my whole world for you
and swim to the bottom of the Abyss for you
just to have you in my arms again.

i said, from the shadow of the sun
to the darkest crater on the moon

i would rip my heart out for you
just to get one more chance
to feel you in my arms again.

i've cried for you
until there were no more tears to shed

i cried for you
Till my eyes ran dry
For i had nothing more left,

just a scent
and a memory of your lips

oh how i wish
i could get another chance
in order to kiss them again,

i would gladly lay you in my arms
and never let you go

because from standing in the shadow of the sun
and hiding my emotions like the dark-side of the moon
i have nothing more to say to you

that i wished i could have said to you
back when i had the chance

and so today
i weep no more
knowing that letting me go, shattered you too

#Peace. 19/04/17