Tuesday 15 March 2016

inside of me

I started from the bottom
And now I am here

In a better place
And a better time

For I am at peace
For I know my inner being.

So walk this path of men I have
For no knowledge can ever quench my thirst

When the real truth I seek
Lays silently inside of me

#Peace. 04/12/15


Happiness is me
It is my name
It is my life
The journey that I walk
And so I smile
From my face to my heart
Because it inspires me
Like a supernova I ignite
Changing my flames from dark to light
I smile
As the love engulfs me
Creating a new kind of human
A loving kind
A kind kind
An honest kind
A singular amongst the dual.
Happiness is me
It is my default vibration
And every time I am happy
The whole universe smiles back at me
For my whole inverse
Vibrates at the same vibration of it

#Peace. 09/03/16