Wednesday 3 February 2016


I have cried
As much as I have smiled
All the hurt
Though it never shadowed the joy

I have danced
As much as i have limped
Crippled by my past
But it never prevented me hearing from the music

Today as I look back
I see change
For I look back there no more
When the future lays bright

I have learnt
And so I teach
With the hopes of learning some more
Only to teach even more

This is my journey now
The home that I build in my heart
With walls of pure light
Made up of vibrations of love

For I seek the truth
I seek freedom
And the more I journey on
The closer my salvation seems near.

#Peace. 29/12/15

fighting chance

What do I love about my Afrika you ask me?

It could not certainly be her kids
They becoming ignorant
In the false hopes they now live
Survivals slim
But life's dim
Fighting amongst each other
Over conditions they did not create
Now they are devided
Yes, certainly not her children

Than maybe its here landscape
All those mountains
All those deserts
All those jungles
Rivers, dams and deltas
So much you could not describe it all
But nope, I still do not love that
Because they are no longer ours
Tourists own them

Maybe its her animals
From cheetah's and zebras
Gorillas and rhinos
Lemurs and elephants
Her great snakes and insects
Surely it could not be the animals
They already killed nearly all of them
We done left with nothing

Maybe then its her minerals
From gold to silver
Coal to oil
Not to mention uranium
Platinum and iron
And everything in between
Surely I must love that
But alas, they stole those too
And left us with mere glimpses
Of what we produce

Heck! Talking about produce
How could I forget her food
From farms they have rapped your land
We no longer grow to feed ourselves
We grow to feed our greed
So how could I love my Afrika
How could I love my Afrika you ask me
Well I will tell you

Its because you might have stolen our birthright
But you could never take our inheritance
You might have stolen our land
But you will never steal our way of life
Even if you might have killed our animals
The truths shall always exist
The minerals you so depend on
We are just using a portion of them
Imagine the day we own them wholely
And as for our farms that feed you
From meat to coffee
And everything in between
Well guess what
Afrika is rising up
And I am one of the reasons she will succeed
Because I am succeeding for my Afrika
So what do I love about Afrika
Is because through me, she has a fighting chance

#Peace. 29/01/16

the same sun

Everyone under the sun
Under the same roof
Feeling the same heat
Feeling the same love
So why do we hate each other
Based on appearance
Based on location
Based on culture
And our
Why do we hate each other
When we are all one
Underneath the same sun

#Peace. 28/01/15