Friday 1 May 2015

infatuations of the heart

Infatuations of the heart
Never knowing if the feelings a real

I sit in the dark and wonder
In silence I ask myself if I should make that first step

The heart beats faster when I think about
But even infatuations of lust bring it to its knees

It longs for a companion
But for now by its self I want it to be

I'm I at fault to deny it love
When I know a deeper one exist

Deep down in our bare bottoms
Naked we shall be both in the light

So a mistake I don't want to make
When I know there exists a love that is more real

#Peace. 18/04/15

my light(my shining example)

Peace to the kid who just bought his first packet of new ports
You think you're the man now
But you're a new born
And you just proved it by having a curious mind
Because I don't want to talk about the one about to spark up his first blunt
It seems wherever I go the same mistakes become reborn
Is this the life we live
Is there no way out of it
For we fall into the pitfalls of society
Its violent death trap rat race
Only to discover that there is no way out
For we are now trapped in a barren desolate wasteland of dreams
Where their failures have turned into a nightmare we call a life
As we take our final breaths from this plight.
But this is not the life that I dreamed of
I invisioned a better place
Where there is an end to this vicious cycle
Nolonger having the need for young girls to be out there prostituting
Many do not believe it
That is because they are raised to be sceptic
Well I won't let them damper my optimistic heart
For I have faith in the hope that I will make there
Or at least touch enough lives that my journey will live on
In the hearts of men
Inbedded into their minds
As it becomes inprinted into their souls,
Mine is a periless journey
A task too heavy for an individual soul
But I have learned to let my light be the shining example

#Peace. 27/04/15

Eon of enlightenment

Enter into the realm of dawn
Of the Eon of enlightenment
Where we journey into the mind
To reveal all questions
As we answer the unanswered
We shall divulge your mind
From the comfort of its serenity
With our serendipitous minds
As we search for the light of truth
For the truth lies in the light
The mind perceives it not
It can only turn it into an imaginary spectrum
Only the heart can it feed
For only the heart is where its made for it to be felt.
We are the Eon of enlightenment
For the age of change is upon us

#Peace. 27/04/15